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Domenica 19 Maggio 2024


Perugia (PG) -

Perugia – Nth day of work after a match for Sir Safety Conad Perugia.

After last night’s victorious debut in Cev Cup, against the Czech team of Karlovarsko, the Block Devils were already at work in the PalaEvangelisti this afternoon. The big match on the home court is around the corner: in the third match of SuperLega they will be facing Diatec Trentino, the defending champions.

The return to the sports facility will be certainly pleasant for captain Buti and his teammates after yesterday’s 3-0, the second one in a row. The performance, although not outstanding, was certainly effective and solid and it showed some signals of growth and other elements they have to work on. And doing it after a victory is certainly better.

The black-and-white coach, Daniel Castellani, has certainly considered all these aspects. This is his technical examination after yesterday’s match against Karlovarsko:

«In training we worked a lot, over the past few days, on how to limit mistakes, especially if the ball is not optimal. So working on blocks, lobs, looking for a smarter shot. We told ourselves that it’s better to lose because of ten winning attacks of our opponents, rather than ten of our mistakes, so we hit hard on the good balls and we handle the bad ones. And yesterday’s match proved that we are improving from this point of view. The other aspect we were concentrated on in the gym was improving reception, making it more stable, suffering less direct points, having the chance to attack. And yesterday’s match showed an improvement in this case too. We are still lacking quality in reception, this is certain, but we are improving. I also saw more team automatisms in offense. Yesterday for example, contrarily to the first two games, pipes were a lot better. There’s no option, we have to work».

 Castellani insists a lot on having to work on things:

«I always tell the guys that each training session is like a match for us, it means a lot because we have to build what we will need during the match. This team has great potential, but it unquestionably needs many hours of training to bring it out to the fullest. I’m thinking about serves, in which there’s a lot of margin. I’m thinking about side outs, where there are many automatisms to improve».

So they are at work with technical training sessions in the PalaEvangelisti. But the attention is already focused on Sunday’s big match against Trento:

«Before we were talking about managing attacks and this aspect will be vital on Sunday against Trento. If you make a mistake or choose the wrong move in offense, Trento penalizes you and blocks. So we have to be good and smart in this. I think that they are annoyed if they don’t block, so we have to move the match onto a different level, with long moves, “dirty”, we have to handle our attacks against their blocks, avoiding Trento’s blunt blocks. I also think that the combination of serve and receptions will be crucial. So how much harm we can cause to their back row, and how much harm they can cause to ours».

DISCLAIMER: Questo articolo è stato emesso da Sir Safety Perugia Volley ed è stato inizialmente pubblicato su L'emittente è il solo responsabile delle informazioni in esso contenute.

[Fonte: Umbria OnLine]

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