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Domenica 19 Maggio 2024


Perugia (PG) - Tomorrow afternoon, starting at 6 PM, the Block Devils will make their debut against the team guided by coach Tofoli’s with the oversight of Monopoli, skilled playmaker. The black-and-white coach explains: «I am expecting important information, on what we are doing in training, from this young group that has demonstrated, from the very first day, an excellent inclination to work» –


PERUGIA – The countdown is over for Sir Safety Conad Perugia’s first match of the season.

In Tuscania, tomorrow afternoon around 6 PM, the Block Devils available for Castellani will come into action for a joint training against the team guided by Paolo Tofoli. Tuscania is starting its second season in A2 with new ambitions, in view of the introduction of new experienced and capable players during the summer, like playmaker Monopoli, former Lube player, Serbian opposite Mrdak from Partizan Belgrad and Ucranian outside hitter Shavrak, confirmed last year after 276 points.

For Sir, after four weeks of intense training, it will be a “premier” against an opponent. The guys will get on the field their first response to the work done until now.

Inevitable formation for Castellani, considering all the players busy with their national teams and with Birarelli still recovering from his injury. He can put on the field the diagonal setter-opposite of Dimitrov and Tzioumakas, Elia and Franceschini as middle blockers, outside hitters Holt and Goran Maric (former Città di Castello player, he joined the black-and-white group in this phase to help out in training) and Giovi and Fanuli in their libero role. Some players from the youth sector will also go to Tuscania.

«From this first match – says coach Castellani – I am expecting what we need now, which is starting to play to get information on what we are doing in training. I am talking about the acquisition of reception mechanisms, in offence and the technical changes that we are making in the gym. So now we need to start playing to put into practice everything against an opponent. We can say that tomorrow the second phase of training starts and it will allow us to test the work and acquire important information».

Castellani scheduled many “test” games in this phase, despite the fact that most of the first-string players are missing:

«It’s true, we will have a couple of tests each week. In our mind we have goals to reach with the players that are already in Perugia and other ones with the group arriving in October. This group is very young, we are working a lot on the technical-tactical planning and it’s a group that has to play to improve, to make a qualitative leap and to be ready for the season every time it’s necessary. Because all of our guys will have to give us an important contribution».

Castellani praises the Block Devils that have been working hard in the PalaEvangelisti since the end of August:

«What struck me the most was the willingness to work, the mental aptitude and openness toward new technical and tactical ideas, the will to put them immediately into practice. And this was from all of them! Then of course I see that the technical inputs are making them improve and this makes me relax on the fact that we are on the right path».

DISCLAIMER: Questo articolo è stato emesso da Sir Safety Perugia Volley ed è stato inizialmente pubblicato su L'emittente è il solo responsabile delle informazioni in esso contenute.

[Fonte: Umbria OnLine]

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