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Domenica 19 Maggio 2024


Perugia (PG) - While the team’s work continues in the PalaEvangelisti, under coach Castellani’s eyes, the six black-and-white players, busy with the national teams, continue with their international season wearing their country’s jersey.

PERUGIA – Training for Sir Safety Conad Perugia’s championship continues at a fast pace.

In the PalaEvangelisti they are working non-stop in view of the upcoming season, with the black-and-whites sweating blood under coach Castellani and his staff’s eyes.

Still a lot of physical training and a lot of work with the ball for President Sirci’s team.

In the meantime “another team” is still working far away from Perugia. It’s the team of the six black-and-white nationals, busy all over the world between the World Cup and training for the next European championship.

Starting with what is going on in Japan, for captain Buti’s Italy, captain De Cecco’s Argentina and Aaron Russell’s United States the race is still open for the two spots available for Rio 2016.

All three national teams won this morning, during the sixth day of the event on Nipponese soil. Italy (one point scored for Buti) won 3-0 against Iran and its former black-and-whites Kovac and Sati, starting in the best possible way the third round of competitions. Same score also for De Cecco’s Argentina (3 points with 2 successful matches) against Egypt, with the “Boss” awarded best player of the game. Italy and Argentina stay close to the top of the rank, with Russell’s United States in command after a 3-0 against Venezuela. Another excellent performance for the Block Devils’ new hitter, with 11 successful moves, 2 aces and a great 66% in offense.

While waiting to play in the European championship, scheduled in October, Fromm and Kaliberda are training with Germany, while “Magnum” Atanasijevic is training with Serbia. Germany will play two friendly games, one on Friday and one Saturday, against Finland, while Serbia will compete on the home field against the Netherlands, first on Thursday then on Saturday. They will be protagonist, with France, winner of the World League and Italian coach Giani’s Slovenia, next weekend – September 25th to 27th – in a four-way international competition in Ludwigsburg, Germany. A great occasion for the final rehearsal in view of the European championship. And this last competition, considering that Italy will be playing, will have a strong black-and-white shade!

DISCLAIMER: Questo articolo è stato emesso da Sir Safety Perugia Volley ed è stato inizialmente pubblicato su L'emittente è il solo responsabile delle informazioni in esso contenute.

[Fonte: Umbria OnLine]

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