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Martedì 28 Maggio 2024


Perugia (PG) -

Two training sessions scheduled today for the Block Devils in the PalaEvangelisti. Castellani wants to work as well as possible to include the last players arrived, over the past few days, in the strategies and mechanisms. Atanasijevic, Fromm, Kaliberda, De Cecco and Russell showed up in good conditions, despite the hard work with their national teams over the summer. They are also extremely psyched up in view of the beginning of the season, next Sunday.

Yesterday, in a PalaEvangelisti full of supporters and onlookers, the team worked on the technical aspects at a very high pace. Furthermore, they were finally able to work with two teams on the field and with these he was able to test and improve many game situations and harmony between the different sections.

Castellani has thirteen players available and even Birarelli worked a bit with his teammates. The only player missing is “Cannibal” Buti but he will be back in Perugia tonight, after the efforts in the European championship. Now he’s ready to put his Black-and-white jersey back on starting tomorrow, with the Block Devils having their final “rehearsal” in Siena, in view of Sunday’s debut, for a friendly test with Emma Villas.

It’s the last pre-championship test for Perugia (the match starts at 7.30PM), the last match without three points at stake, the last match during which it will probably more important to test team mechanisms than score.

From Sunday everything will be different. On October 25th, the PalaEvangelisti will be quivering with excitement for the Black-and-white players. The SuperLega show is on again. And the Block Devils’ show is also back!


Last night, under the beautiful vaults of Umbrò, well known bar in Via Oberdan and also Black-and-white partner, Sir Safety Conad Perugia had its first official presentation. Pleasant and fun meeting with the Black-and-white players and technical and medical staff. Many smiles and chats with the protagonists of the upcoming season and a few little sketches, like “Magnum” Atanasijevic and “Panzer” Fromm unlikely English translators for their teammates. There were also many good wishing toasts, from a President Sirci of course already psyched up for the beginning of the championship. All of this was under the direction of Marco Cruciani, Sir’s speaker in the PalaEvangelisti. The presentation in the city hall, scheduled for Wednesday morning, was cancelled, so the next one scheduled is at Autocentri Giustozzi on Thursday afternnon for the “supporters’ conference”, starting at 6.30 PM. After that the team will have the usual convivial dinner at “Meridiana”. These two events are part of the Black-and-White tradition and they symbolize the beginning of the season, with the presentation of the new jersey and with the new nicknames made official.

DISCLAIMER: Questo articolo è stato emesso da Sir Safety Perugia Volley ed è stato inizialmente pubblicato su L'emittente è il solo responsabile delle informazioni in esso contenute.

[Fonte: Umbria OnLine]

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