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Mercoledì 08 Maggio 2024


Perugia (PG) - Joint training in Tuscania, on Wednesday afternoon, for the black-and-whites; they will do the same on Saturday in Latina. Alberto Elia: «The most important thing is testing the field, your role, your area colleagues, re-gaining confidence with your opponent and your individual duties. And mostly following the requests of your coach and trying, from the very beginning, to look for our own system and game development and cooperation between us on the field».

PERUGIA – This morning the fifth week of training started for Sir Safety Conad Perugia

A slightly different week for the Block Devils. They will continue of course the physical work with sports trainer Foppa and the technical and tactical one with coach Castellani and his staff, but they will also start some tests on the field.

Two are scheduled for this week, both away from the PalaEvangelisti: Wednesday afternoon the black-and-whites will play against Tuscania, team in A2 series, and their coach and former Sir player Paolo Tofoli, the “Wonders’ playmaker”, for a joint training with a score. On Saturday, the bus from Perugia will head towards Latina, where Giovi and his teammates will play against Top Volley and its former Sir player Maruotti.

These will be the first rehearsals for President Sirci’s team, although of course it’s still at an early stage and it’s missing many important elements, such as De Cecco, Atanasijevic, Fromm, Kaliberda, Russell and Buti. Birarelli is in Perugia with the team, but he’s not available yet since he is still working with the medical staff of the black-and-whites to recover from his injury.

The available players for Wednesday will be setter Dimitrov, hitter Tzioumakas, middle blockers Elia and Franceschini, the hammer Holt and libero Giovi and Fanuli. Daniel Castellani will be able to see with his own eyes the work done during this first month of training under the tactical aspect. He will also be able to understand on what he has to focus in the next few days.

Middle blocker Alberto Elia, considering that on Wednesday they will have the first rehearsal and many players are still missing, gives a good measure to the team’s first test:

«I think that the most important thing is testing the field, your role, your area colleagues, re-gaining confidence with your opponent and your individual duties. We mostly did physical work, we are missing many players so I think that we have to live these first test without any rush and doing are best».

For once the score will be of secondary importance, the most important thing is getting to be aware of Castellani’s game system:

«Exactly. I think that this aspect is preponderant, trying to follow our coach’s request and trying, from the very beginning, to look for our own system and game development and cooperation between us on the field».

Four weeks, almost a month to say it in other terms, are enough to weigh the first small pros and cons:

«These four weeks – says Elia, were of intense work, but always reasoned. We trained hard, but with awareness and with a staff that always asked for our feedback, both physical and technical. For us, being new, it was an important month to get to know the environment. Personally I have to say that I feel good, a sign that we did a good job with my teammates».

DISCLAIMER: Questo articolo è stato emesso da Sir Safety Perugia Volley ed è stato inizialmente pubblicato su L'emittente è il solo responsabile delle informazioni in esso contenute.

[Fonte: Umbria OnLine]

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