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Martedì 07 Maggio 2024


Perugia (PG) - The black-and-white experienced libero is satisfied of the team’s first match, played yesterday in Tuscania: «We started settling into a game pace. Under a technical point of view, we showed good things and other things that we have to work on, but the first feedback is positive». Good feeling also for the young Greek opposite, Tzioumakas: «It went pretty well yesterday. We put on the field a lot of will and all of the great work done this first month, trying to meet coach Castellani’s requests at our best».

PERUGIA – First comparison for Sir Safety Conad Perugia.

Yesterday evening’s joint training in Tuscania, first match of the season for the Block Devils, showed some of the good characteristics of President Sirci’s team, despite the several absentees busy with their national teams.

The huge amount of work done by coach Castellani’s players during the first month of training, allowed Sir to get to the first friendly game of the season in adequate conditions and with technical-tactical mechanisms at a good point, like the reception system and some offense positions, on which the Argentinean coach had focused a lot.

Of course there are many things that the team, at work in Perugia, can improve and they will be able to grow and improve only by playing. In fact, on Saturday afternoon the Block Devils will be playing again, this time in Latina, for a second joint training, this time with the SuperLega Pontine team. And exactly for this reason, beside the other tests already scheduled, the team will be training a couple times in the PalaEvangelisti with Molfetta, another team in SuperLega, on October 16th and 17th.

Going back to yesterday’s test in Tuscania, the experienced player of the group, Andrea Giovi, seems satisfied by his team’s “debut”:

«It was a good test», says the libero from Perugia. «We started settling into a game pace. I mostly liked the great attitude and the great approach from all sides. Under a technical point of view, we showed good things, I am talking about the ones we worked on the most in training, like the reception system and specific stages of side outs; there are other things that we have to work on and improve. But the first feedback was definitely positive».

Good competition also for the young Greek opposite, Georgios Tzioumakas, that explains:

«It went pretty well yesterday. We put on the field a lot of will and all of the great work done this first month, trying to meet coach Castellani’s requests at our best. Personally, I feel good. I am growing physically and also technically, bearing in mind that I have a lot to improve, I am on a good road thanks to the great work I am doing with the coach».

DISCLAIMER: Questo articolo è stato emesso da Sir Safety Perugia Volley ed è stato inizialmente pubblicato su L'emittente è il solo responsabile delle informazioni in esso contenute.

[Fonte: Umbria OnLine]

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